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A Girl Hovers over Kerameikos
A Girl Hovers over Kerameikos 0

A Girl Hovers over Kerameikos

An Anti-war Story in Classical Athens

Christos Boulotis
Illustrations: Vassilis Papatsarouchas
Τtranslation: Nerina Kioseoglou

Product code: 001209

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Myrtis, an eleven-year old girl from ancient Athens, acquires a new life in our days, far from the war and the misery it caused to her beloved city. Myrtis was brought to light by archaeologists in 1995, during excavations in Kerameikos. And since then, this girl has become a symbol of peace.
Myrtis loves life, loves to play in the small river of Heridanos with her friends, with the frogs, with shards from broken pottery. She picks wildflowers to decorate the funerary "stelai" in Kerameikos and she makes clay pots in her father's workshop, since he is a potter and vase painter. Both in her sleep and when awake, Myrtis dreams of repairing the calamities of war. Sometimes, she even hovers over Kerameikos and invites us to fly high with her.
The book is also available in Greek.

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Athens 2022, 56pp




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