The volume presents the evolution of the Tsalapatas rooftile and brickworks firm in Volos (Thessaly), over the period 1917-1978, and constitutes a synthesis of the results produced by the research programme carried out by the Piraeus Cultural Foundation. This programme’s objective was dual: on the one hand, the archival and scientific documentation of the Rooftile and Brickworks Museum and, on the other, the historical presentation of the technological evolution in the production of bricks and tiles.
The subjects covered in this volume concern the historical context of industrial production in Volos, the development of the Tsalapatas family’s enterprise system (factory, products, client networks, personnel), the supply of raw materials, as well as the structure and functioning of the Tsalapatas plant (new grinding mills, boiler-room, production floor, driers, Hoffmann kiln, Kiln loft). Lastly, the Appendix deals with the history of tile- and brick-making in Modern Greece and the use of bricks in the masonry work of Modern Greek architecture.